Haarup Mixer Cup 2020

Invitation for non-Danish crews

Haarup Mixer Cup

H-boat League

Egå Sejlklub

6.-7. June 2020

(spec. for Non-Danish crews)

Hi H-Boat sailors

We would like to see you at the regatta Haarup Mixer Cup in Egaa Sailing Club for the 2020 event which is held 6.-7. June 2020 from Egaa Marina, Aarhus. The Regatta is part of the Danish H-boat League and will attract the most and best H-boat crews in Denmark.

We would also like to see Non-Danish crews, and our main sponsor Haarup Maskinfabrik has offered a payment of DKK2500 (~ EUR 335) as compensation for transportation to Non-Danish crews. The sponsor (Haarup Maskinfabrik) Ole Christensen is a retired but very passionate H-boat sailor – looking forward to seeing crews from all the Nordic countries, Germany, Netherland, etc.

The venue at Egaa Marina offers possibilities for caravans, tents and mobile homes and there are plenty of opportunities for B&B, hotels, hostels and holiday cottages.

See our homepage with information from the 2019 event: www.egaasejlklub.dk/haarupmixercup and here you can also see news of the 2020 event.

If you would like us to send you a notice when news and NOR is ready – please send us your contact data to kapsejlads@egaasejlklub.dk – do it right now !

We would also like to know your general interest for possible participation in the regatta – and if you have more questions now, we would be happy to answer you.

Best regards – looking forward to hearing from you

The Haarup Mixer Cup team
Egaa Sailing Club

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